Our Services
Claim your benefits in 3 easy steps:
Book a consultation online HERE or call us at 416-739-6161.
Our team will review and process your application
If eligible, you will receive a tax-free benefit cheque from the CRA in 30-60 days.
Our Services
Disability Tax Credit
CPP Application
ODSP Application
(available to all Canadian residents)
Why Choose Benefit4YOU
50% of eligible Canadians are not receiving Tax free Disability Benefits.
Our team will assist you in filling out your application to qualify for any credits.
Ensure our clients are represented properly for their claim in dealing with
the CRA and physicians.
Assist clients that need help with their ODSP application.
Don’t pay anything unless you qualify and receive benefits.
The faster you call the faster we see if you qualify.
Although it is hard for people that have disabilities to apply. We help ALL of our clients. We advocate for our clients in the above matters.